

Section 1 – Establishing Membership

Membership in the Church is open to anyone who meets the following qualifications:

  1. A member must be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ that by the grace of God through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ has received salvation.
  2. A member must have been baptized by immersion after faith in Christ as a testimony of salvation.
  3. Membership may be established in the following ways:
    • By Statement:  Candidates may join by affirming that they are baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, holding to the basic doctrinal teaching of this church. Members joining by statement of faith that hold membership in another church are responsible for notifying their former church of their new membership in Church.
    • By Baptism:  Candidates accepting Christ as their Savior and requesting believer’s baptism by immersion may be accepted as members upon baptism.
  4. All candidates for membership shall give a verbal testimony of their conversion, baptism, and current relationship with Christ and acceptance of the church’s mission statement and doctrinal teaching to the pastor or designated member of leadership.


Section IPastor
(Ephesians 4:11-13, I Timothy 5:17)

  • Call
    Upon a vacancy in the pastorate the Elders are responsible for determining the process for calling a pastor. In accordance with Acts 14:23 the Elder body must be in consensus on a single candidate before he is presented to the church for affirmation. Spiritual authority will be given to the new pastor by appointment of the elder body. The congregation will affirm his appointment and submission to his spiritual authority by extending a call.
  • Duties
    The pastor, along with the counsel of the Elder’s, shall be the spiritual leader of the congregation. He shall preach and teach the word of God, lead the church in a regular worship services, administer the ordinances of the church, serve as moderator at church conferences, provide leadership to the ministerial staff, serve as over all administrator of the church with counsel and accountability of the elders, work to implement the model of church structure and function laid out in this constitution and generally fulfill all his pastoral duties as set forth in Scripture.
  • Termination
    The Pastor’s duties may be terminated by consensus of the elder body, excluding the pastor if the pastor has engaged in immoral, unbiblical or unethical behavior that brings reproach on the church or Christ, if these issues cannot be resolved through biblical intervention. If the elder body fails to resolve any matters relating to pastor biblical accountability, the active resident members can call for a vote of removal by a written petition 50% of active resident members presented to the elders. After receiving a petition for removal with 50% of active resident members as signatures the elders will call for a vote of removal. The pastor may be removed by a vote of 50% of active resident members.

Section II – Elders

  • Purpose and Function
    Elders shall serve to provide spiritual leadership and accountability to the church and fulfill elder duties in accordance with scripture. They will provide a brotherhood of support and accountability for the pastor, assist the ministry teams with difficult issues, serve as arbiters in matters of conflict or church discipline and in general provide spiritual leadership, guidance, and assistance wherever and whenever appropriate. The elder body shall be made up of no less than two and no more than four appointed men including the pastor, who is the lead elder.
    • Spiritual Authority. Spiritual authority comes from God through His Holy word and through his calling of men. Once an elder’s calling has been recognized, upon his appointment to the elder position in the church he will assume all spiritual authority granted to him through scripture. This authority will cease upon his leaving office at the appointed time.
    • Decision Making Body. Elders use their spiritual authority to empower the congregation to make ministry decisions though teams within scriptural and constitutional guidelines. Elders are a decision-making body in matters related to administration, church direction, when a ministry team cannot reach consensus on an issue, when the functional structure does not exist or breaks down and in matters of church discipline or pastoral accountability.
    • Confidentiality. All discussions between the elders regarding church discipline or other accountability matters are strictly confidential; this includes not discussing confidential elder issues with the spouses of elders or other church members. Breaking confidentiality is grounds for removal.
  • Qualifications
    An Elder must be someone who the existing elder body believes has a true calling from God that has been demonstrated by service. Elders need to meet a minimum level of the scriptural qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:1-12. An Elder must a have an understanding and desire to see that the Mission of the church and its values are upheld. Elders must be willing to rearrange their daily schedules or do whatever it takes to ensure the Mission of the Church and any business necessary is fulfilled. Elders must be men of spiritual maturity. An Elder must preclude his role and authority in any situation that is or could be perceived as a conflict of interest.
  • Selection and Term of Office
    Thereafter on or about June1st of each year, in accordance with Acts 14:23, the elder body will appoint the new elder(s). All terms will be three years. Which elders will serve short terms, to keep open offices staggered, will be determined by lottery. The congregation will affirm the elder selection. Best practice would be: after an elder has rotated off for a year he will be eligible to be a candidate for elder again if it is determined that he is still qualified, however if there are no scripturally qualified men to serve in the elder role the elder can serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the pastor and elders.
  • Removal
    Elders other than the Pastor may be removed from office by their own decision or by consensus decision of the other elders. Removal shall be based upon being spiritually unqualified, the inability to serve or as a result of the process laid out in Matthew 18:15-17 and other scriptures or failure to fulfill their commitments as an elder. If the elder body fails to resolve any matters relating to elder biblical accountability, the active resident members can call for a vote of removal by a written petition 50% of active resident members presented to the elders. After receiving a petition for removal with 50% of active resident members as signatures the elders will call for a vote of removal.
  • Vacancies
    Elder vacancies can occur by death, resignation, or removal. When a vacancy occurs, the existing elders shall appoint a replacement, if warranted and qualified replacement is able and willing to serve.
  • Selection
    If it is determined by the consensus of the elder body that additional professional ministerial staff other than the pastor is needed for fulfilling the church’s mission, they may be employed by the church after the position is funded by the budget. The elders will seek out candidates to fill the position. The pastor will make the final selection for the staff position.
  • Duties
    Specific and written job descriptions will be outlined by the pastor.
  • Termination
    The minister’s duties with the church may be terminated by resignation, death, or dismissal. Dismissal can be made by the Pastor or the elders.

Section III – Lay Pastors

  • Purpose and Function
    The Lay Pastors will serve in the Biblical role described in scripture as Deacon (Acts 6:1-4, I Timothy 3:1, 8-10). They are directed by the pastor and elders to help carry out ministry duties. They are appointed and replaced by the pastor, with consensus of elders, at his discretion.
  • Selection
    Lay pastors shall be appointed as needed by the senior pastor with consensus of elders.
  • Term of Office
    The term is one year but multiple terms may be served by mutual consent.
  • Removal
    A Lay pastor may be removed before their term of office expires by death, resignation, or dismissal by the pastor and or elders.


Section I – Selection

The pastor and or elders determine the need for support staff. Once a need is determined, budget approval by the church must be in place before a position can be filled.

Section II – Duties

Support staff persons will have specific and written job descriptions as outlined by the pastor and elders.

Section III – Termination

Dismissal may be made by the Pastor and the elders.


Section I – General Ministry Teams
(Mark 3:13-18, Luke 6:12-16, I Corinthians 12:17-31)

  • Purpose and Function
    Ministry teams shall be organized to carry out the specialized ministries of the church. Each ministry team shall have specific functions and responsibilities as assigned or approved by the pastor and/or elders.
  • Structure
    The elder body is to appoint members of the congregation to a team and empower them to make ministry decisions for a specific area of ministry. Those empowered to make decisions are called consensus members. The best practice is to have no less than 4 no more than 10 consensus members and as many supporting members as needed to carry out the mission of the ministry team. Teams will function by consensus, not majority vote. If consensus cannot be reached, the matter must either be tabled or prayed about before being addressed again or placed before the elder body for a final decision.
  • Qualifications
    Consensus members must be active resident members of the church in good standing Non-church members can be active on ministry teams as supporting team members but cannot be consensus members.
  • Formation of Teams
    General Ministry teams may be formed as needed by the pastor and elders.
  • Selection and Term of Office
    Consensus members of general ministry teams are appointed by the pastor and elders or by someone they enlist to appoint members. The term of office for general ministry team members will be one year, but members may serve multiple terms by mutual consent.
  • Removal
    If a team member causes conflict or fails to carry out his or her responsibility to the team they may be removed from the team by the elders.

Section II – Standing Teams

  • Purpose and Function
    Standing teams shall be in place to assist in finding and providing the tangible resources necessary to effectively carry out the church’s ministries and business.
  • Structure
    Standing teams are structured the same as ministry teams.
  • Qualifications
    Qualifications are the same as those of general ministry consensus members.
  • Standing Teams
    The standing teams of the church shall be:
    • Facility Team
      This team is responsible to ensure that the church has adequate facilities to effectively carry out its ministries. They will oversee the care, maintenance, and use of all facilities and grounds except the arena. They will not oversee paid staff.
    • Audit Team
      The Audit Team is made up of no less than 3 no more than 7 members. They meet once a month to audit the financial records. They only verify and report. They have no decision-making authority about how money is spent.
    • Arena Team
      The arena team shall be responsible for the oversight, care, maintenance, and use of the arena and all arena ministry events.
  • Selection and Term of Office
    Members of standing ministry teams may be appointed by the pastor and/or elders or be enlisted by others who have been given that authority by the pastor and elders and do so under their supervision. The term of office for standing ministry team members will be two years with two members rotating off each year.
  • Removal
    If a standing team member causes conflict, fails to carry out his or her responsibility to the team they may be removed by the elders.

Section III – Leadership Team
(Mark 6:30-31)

  • Purpose and Function
    The Leadership Team will serve to provide a forum in which the various ministry teams can brainstorm, coordinate activities and events, share resources, and generally work together to enhance the overall effectiveness of the church’s ministries. It will be responsible for setting the church calendar and holding all ministry teams accountable to the church’s mission statement, values and constitution.
  • Structure
    The Leadership Team will consist of the pastor, the elders, the lay pastors, team leaders and staff.
  • Meetings
    The Leadership Team will meet as often as necessary to effectively coordinate the activities and events of the church to ensure cooperation between teams, to give reports on finance and other church issues, as well as reports of various ministries in the church. The leadership team is not a decision-making body unless empowered by the elders for specific issues not covered by other teams. All regularly scheduled leadership meetings are open.


Section I – President

The senior pastor shall serve as the president and overall administrator of the corporation. He will serve as moderator at church conferences and be responsible for ensuring that the daily business affairs of the church are appropriately and effectively executed.

Section II – Trustees

  • Purpose and Function
    Trustees shall sign the title to church property; all legal documents involving the sale, mortgage, purchase, or rental of property; all notes and loan instruments; and such other legal documents as may require execution on behalf of the church. There shall be 3 trustees.
  • Selection and Term of Office
    The trustees will be the current elders or appointees by the Pastor.
  • Authority
    The trustees will have no decision-making authority, they will only execute the will of the church in legal matters. The elders that serve as trustee’s duties will cease upon end of their term of office. Appointees not serving as elders will serve a three-year term.

Section III – Secretary

  • Purpose and function
    The Church Clerk shall serve as secretary of the corporation. The responsibilities of the clerk will be to keep the minutes of all church conferences, ensure that a proper file of all members is maintained.
  • Selection and Term of Office
    A volunteer may be appointed by the pastor and elders. The Church Secretary shall serve as Church Clerk.

Section IV – Vacancies

In the event a vacancy occurs in any corporate office, the elders shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term.


Section I – Finances

  • Fiscal Year
    The fiscal year of the church will be on a calendar year basis beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 of each year.
  • Accounting Procedures
    A system of accounting that will adequately provide for the handling of all funds shall be the responsibility of the Audit Team.
  • Budget
    The Pastor and the Elders are responsible for preparing a budget for congregational affirmation prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. The Elders, excluding the Pastor, are to make salary and compensation recommendations for the Pastor position. A proposed budget will be presented at a monthly leadership team meeting for discussion. After consideration of Leadership team discussion, the budget must be presented to the congregation at a called business meeting for a non-binding vote of affirmation. Any purchase of land or other indebtedness and expenditures that exceed 20% of the budget must be preceded by a non-binding vote of affirmation by the active members. All policies related to finances can only be adopted by consensus of the elders.
  • Checks, Drafts, Etc.
    All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the church shall be signed by at least two people who have been designated by the Elders for that purpose. The Pastor must have administrative access to all bank accounts; however he may not sign checks. The best practice is for the pastor’s spouse, an elder and or an elder’s spouse or other relations of conflict of interest to not serve as check signers.
  • Deposits
    All funds of the church shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the church in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as determined by the Elders.

Section II – Special Church Conferences

  • Special Church Conferences
    Church conferences may be called by the elders or by written petition of 50% of the active resident members presented to the elders.
  • Notices
    Notices of the time and place of all church conferences shall be given no later than the Sunday prior to such meetings by publication in the church newsletter or worship bulletin, or by public announcement at a regular Sunday morning worship service.
  • Place of Church Conferences
    All church conferences shall be held on the premises of the church.
  • Quorum
    The active resident church members present at any duly called church conference shall constitute a quorum.
  • Proxies
    Voting by proxy at any church conference shall not be allowed or recognized.
  • Will of the Church
    All Ministry Teams, officers, and organizations of the church shall carry out the will of the church on any given matter, duly expressed by its vote.
  • Rules of Procedure
    The order of proceedings at church conferences shall be determined by the rules of practice contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.
  • Conduct of Church Business
    All business of the church shall be conducted in a manner that honors Christ and respects others. The church shall strive to seek the will of God by prayerful deliberation and common consensus.

Section III – Contracts

The Trustee’s shall execute and deliver any contract or instrument in the name of the church which may be authorized by the church to be so executed and delivered. In this connection, the church body as a whole shall be the ultimate authority for all actions taken by the church and no other person, organization or corporate officer shall have any authority to contract or otherwise bind the church without express authorization from the church body.

Section IV – Books and Records

The church shall keep and maintain a complete and accurate record of all financial accounts, membership lists, and church conference minutes at its principle office. All books and records of the church may be inspected by any active resident member, or his agent or attorney, for any purpose at any reasonable time. All giving records must be sealed and only persons appointed by the elders that are restricted by confidentiality may handle these records.

Section V – Prohibition Against Sharing In Corporate Earnings

No member, officer, or person connected with the corporation, or any other private individual shall receive at any time any of the net earnings of pecuniary profit from the operations of the corporation, provided that this shall not prevent the payment to any such person of a reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the corporation in effecting any of its purposes as shall be fixed by the church; and no such person or persons shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets upon the dissolution of the corporation. All members of the church shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed that upon such dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the assets of the corporation, after all debts have been satisfied, then remaining in the hands of the officers of the church shall be distributed, transferred, conveyed, delivered, and paid over, in such amounts as the church may determine or as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction upon application of the church, exclusively to charitable, religious, or educational organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

Section VI – Exempt Activities

Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, no member, officer, or representative of the corporation shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the corporation not permitted to be taken or carried on by any organization exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by any organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (C)(2) of such code and regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.


Proposed amendments must be brought to the Leadership team for discussion. After consideration of the leadership team discussions these Bylaws may be amended by consensus of the elder body. Amendments will be numbered, dated and attached to the original instrument.


The Church recognizes the civil government as instituted by God in accordance with Romans 13:1-7, however if the civil government passes a law, that the elders of this church interpret as being in conflict with God’s Holy Word the church will not recognize that law.


All activities on church property will incorporate worship; therefore, all activities must be in obedience with all scripture found in the Holy Bible as interpreted by the elders of this church.